260 Days of Learning Project
Picture of the Blue Dog painting by George Rodrigue
Blue Dog
From the title, one might assume that I am depressed, but actually it's quite the opposite.  A few weeks ago my boss suggested a book that I might be interested in reading, and eventually, blogging about.  She then lent me her copy.  It has been sitting here on my makeshift desk since that time.  Tonight when I got home, I was considering what I might read and blog on when I remembered the book was somewhere on my desk, buried under other papers.  I dug through my piles until I found it, kicked back in my recliner, and started leafing through the text.  The name of the book is Am I Blue and it's a collection of short stories (I'm sure there is quite a bit of truth to many) edited by Marion Dane Bauer.

The first story in the text is entitled "Am I Blue" by Bruce Coville, and at first I considered skipping that one because it is by a man.  I just figured I might connect better with one written by a woman.  On second thought, however, the title of the collection came from this one story, so I decided to give it a read.

Am I Blue
I was not disappointed.  In short, the story is about a 16 year old guy who gets a "fariy" godfather after taking a beating by a bully who accuses him of being a "little fruit."  The tale ends with our protagonist's second wish that from coast to coast anyone who has a hint of "gayness" in them turn a shade of blue so everyone can see that they exist in harmony with gays and lesbians daily and suffer no ill will because of it.

You give that a moment or two of thought and you realize what a powerful message it is.  Makes me wonder how many of those people who tormented me when I was a teenager (and didn't have any idea about my sexuality) would have turned a shade of blue.  More than I probably think.  Now I am not afraid to proclaim myself bluer than blue!